Saturday, January 12, 2008

Sometimes Even The Best Laid Plans....

I was supposed to run intervals at the local high school track today. Not a big deal since the all of the snow in Connecticut has melted over the past week - well, except at the local high school track. I can't quite figure out how, but it remains covered by about four inches of ice. Angry and frustrated, I returned home and ran an easy ten miles on the treadmill.

On a positive note, I later went to scout out the neighboring town's track and it is s.w.e.e.t. It's nicer than most college tracks AND it appears to be kept cleared of snow. So, it looks like I have a new favorite place to run.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to blog land, I just started working on mine as well! I'm jealous you have such a nice track to work on, no such thing around here...Jen

Mindi said...

Yep, welcome to blog land and good luck in training for Boston.

I also ditto Jen's envy of your track. I don't have one close either.