Monday, January 14, 2008

150 Pounds

That's what I'd like to weigh when I run Boston. Right now, I have a long, long way to go to get there. When I ran the Philadelphia Marathon in November, I weighed 167. Not the lightest I've been recently (that was 164), but not too bad either. 17 pounds in six months didn't seem like a lot to lose. However, over the course of the holidays I managed to GAIN 17.5 pounds - too many Christmas cookies and wine I guess.

Anyway, I'm using this space to make myself accountable. My weight on New Year's Day was 184.5. My weight as of last week was 179. I'll be weighing in again tomorrow. It looks like I need to lose about two pounds per week to get to my goal. THIS kind of thing cannot happen again.


Maria said...

Are you seeing your energy levels dip a bit after cleaning up your eating? I'm seeing some of this and figure it's just part of the leveling out process. Keep up the good work!


Antoinette said...

Well, I don't feel so bad about the amount I gained anymore! :)

Good luck on the weight loss; I'm figuring the first 17.5 will come off rather quickly.

CoachT said...

Nettie - I sure as heck hope so.

Anonymous said...

Hey man, I feel your pain. I've just always put on weight during the off-season, which is not necessarily a bad thing. The body needs some downtime, no doubt.

For me, tracking was the way to go, and the extra weight seemed to come off relatively quickly.

That said, two pounds a week during intense training is a lot of deficit to run during intense training. That may partially explain the dip in energy levels, especially when hard running is introduced.

CoachT said...

Joseph -

Yeah, I realize that I'm playing with fire here, but I'd rather take the weight off now and worry about re-qualifying for Boston in the fall. I also enjoy the experimentation with my diet to see how my body reacts. Boston may ultimately end up being a fun run - we'll see.