Tuesday, January 22, 2008

January 22nd - More Easy Running

Another six and a half easy miles today. Instead of running through downtown Hartford, I ran toward West Hartford with a couple of guys I know from my gym. Some points of interest:

Elizabeth Park, Hartford - home to one of the oldest, largest rose gardens in the country.

University of Connecticut School of Law, Hartford.

One of the guys that I was running with always gives me a hard time about the number of miles that I run. He tells me that I'm putting in elite-level miles, but not getting elite-level results. His claim is that one should be able to BQ on 25-30 miles per week (he has run 1:20/3:08 on that mileage) and that running 60-80 miles per week should produce world-class results. If not, I'm obviously doing something wrong. I just smile and nod.


Jen Jones said...

Well, I guess I would just push him right over the edge :)

Anonymous said...

So much for experiment of one. So much for innate talent vs. work. Imagine what you're friend could run if he put in a moderate volume...

Antoinette said...

That depresses me.

Maria said...

This is something I'll be experimenting with for the spring marathon season. Due to nagging injury crap my mileage is not where it was last fall and I don't want to risk further injury. So less-is-more for Maria this time around ...we'll see how it works out. ;)

Keep up the great work!

Mindi said...

That is just obnoxious. Admittedly, I was a lucky one to BQ off low mileage, but I also understand the work and commitment that go into 40, 50, 60, 70 miles per week. I have friends that work their tails off and are still a good 40 minutes off BQ time. But hey love it, are dedicated, and are working hard and I have much more respect for them than the people that run 30 mpw and handily hit the BQ. Just imagine what those folks could do if they attempted "elite capacity training" - they are the unmotivated ones.

I am going to guess the garden and law school did not look as picturesque as in those photos. But it does look like a beautiful place!

CoachT said...

I think he does it more to give me a good-natured hard time. Those times of his - btw - came on the running plus about 15-20 hours per week of cross training, as well as adventure racing thrown in from time-to-time so he had a HUGE cardio base.

CoachT said...

Mindi -

Yes, those are both spring-time shots. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they'll be looking that way again soon.