Thursday, January 10, 2008

January 10th Run Report

I ran a double today. The first run was an easy four on the treadmill at 6:15am. I have to say that I HATE morning runs. My legs always feel heavy, I never feel like I can get a full breath for the first few miles, I'm always hungry and I'm just generally groggy for the first few miles. All in all an unpleasant experience. Anyway, they're in the book and that's all that counts.

Run number two was six miles at the gym around noon. I missed my usual running group (you'll probably hear more about them later). I did notice, however, that group of 50-something guys that I had seen around the gym every once in a while was also leaving for their run at the same time that I was walking out for my run, so I asked if I could tag along with them thinking that this would be a nice easy run for me. I was wrong. At first I thought that my legs were still fatigued from yesterday's mile repeats but then somebody told me at the four mile mark that we had covered the distance in 30:04. Yep, the old-timers were really moving. I usually run my easy runs at 8:00/mile give or take a few seconds either way, so this was definitely not the easy run I was hoping for. Overall, the new guys were great to run with - friendly and generally conversational - plus they ran a nice even pace (even if it was a little fast) so I'd definitely run with them again. Plus, I now feel the need to figure out what their PRs are....

1 comment:

Tom said...

Nice blog! You sound like this guy I know.