Monday, January 21, 2008


In an effort to make the place a little more user friendly for my visitors I have sorted through the blogs on the right and categorized them according to my perceived level of their running content. The first category - Running and Life - contains blogs that are, for the most part, centered around running. The second category - Life and Running - contains blogs that contain roughly equal parts of running and non-running material. The last category - Non-Running Blogs - is self explanatory.

If you are the creator of one of these blogs and have an issue with where I've placed you, please let me know. I'm not above changing any of them around.


Antoinette said...

I would expect nothing else from the List King. :)

Anonymous said...

I feel I should be put in the food and running category, as I love food as much as running. (I'm kidding here of course)

Frankie said...

Very cool groupings ( not to be confused with groping ) Trev.

Anonymous said...

( not to be confused with groping )

I'd like to see a running blog ordered by groping skills!

Tom said...

Groping is a longstanding tradition for this group. Having seen some of you groping in person, I have some nominees for the top spot.

Kris said...

sign me up for some groping!

Just for you, T-rev, I wrote a running post tonight. :)