Friday, January 18, 2008

I'm Really Trying

to find a way to make six miles on the treadmill seem interesting, but I'm afraid that's impossible. It was a beautiful day in central Connecticut - 46 degrees and as sunny as can be - but I missed it. Work duties kept me chained to my desk all day.

One thing that I noticed during this run. It was probably the first run in months where I wasn't feeling the effects of an injury, my excess weight or my relatively poor conditioning of the past six months. To put it another way, I'm feeling almost back to my old self. I'm now keeping my fingers crossed as I still have 13+ weeks to go until Boston.

Until tomorrow...


Kel said...

Treadmills make me stone cold insane too. I just did a 10 miler on mine (a personal record on the TM). It was either that or risk frost bite again.

I find that changing speed and/or elevation every few minutes gives me something "to do" and is slightly more engaging than just plodding along.

Good luck with your training!

CoachT said...

Kel -

I'm to lazy to play with the treadmill settings so I leave it at at a 2% incline and then veg out in front of the TV.