Monday, January 14, 2008

Intervals? Check.

I finally got them done. 6 x 1000 meters in 3:45 each (6:00/mile). I gave myself a half-mile recovery between each at 8:00/mile. I also did a half-mile warm-up and a quarter-mile cool-down - also at 8:00/mile.

I learned a few things. 1. I'm not in the shape that I'd like to be in at this point in my training. 2. I'm in better shape than I was in a few weeks ago where I really struggled with 4 x 1200 meters at a slightly slower (6:05/mile) pace. 3. While my physical conditioning is currently marginal, I was pleased with my mental toughness today. There was a point where I wanted to quit in each of the last three reps, but I wouldn't let myself do it. 4. Jack Daniels is a sadistic SOB, but he'll get you in racing shape every time.

I'm looking forward to some easier miles tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

What kind of workout was this meant to be? VO2 max, tempo, light fartlek? If it's Daniels, I'm thinking VO2: if that's the case, isn't that a lot of recovery time?

Not trying to be a naysayer, just wondering...maybe it's just an early season workout?

Anyhow, congrats on the improvement from a few weeks ago. Daniels program is aggressive, so good luck!

CoachT said...

Joseph - Yes, it was a VO2 max workout. The time between intervals is supposed to be up to the length of the interval, but I extended it out by 15 seconds because it was easier to keep track of the time.

Jen Jones said...

You rock at fear of them is one of the reasons I'm afraid to try a Daniel's plan! Keep it up, your paces are pretty awesome!