Monday, November 8, 2010

Day #2: Losing 52 To Run 26

Not an enviable position to be in but, let's be honest, I'm solely responsible for my current situation. Even when taking the staggering number of injuries I've suffered into account, I chose not to cross-train, I chose to sit on my ass every night and watch television and I chose to eat like I was running 80 miles per week even though I wasn't. All that being said, I'm done feeling sorry for myself and I'm looking forward to fixing all of the mistakes I've made over the last three years.

Which leads me to my goals...

Admittedly, these plans will be a little rough at first, but I'll fill them in with more detail as I go. Another thing that I'll mention up front is that I have no idea what my long term goals (i.e. 3-5 years out) will be. I think those will ultimately be derived based upon the success or failure of the more immediate goals.

Right now, the intermediate goal is a return to my former level of racing fitness - a 1:28 half and a 3:11 marathon. I'm giving myself one year to achieve this with my tentative goal race being the 2011 Harrisburg Marathon. Initially, I thought that Steamtown might be the right race, but I'd prefer to save that one for when I know that I have a fast time in me. I also like the fact that Harrisburg is a smaller race (no crowds) that's a bit later in the racing season (more time to train). So, yes, Harrisburg it is.

How will I get there? Again, I'm still fleshing it out a bit. I don't have a training plan, nor a strength/core training plan. Diet plan? Nope, not yet. I do know this, however.

The core of my plan is this - to run at least two miles every day between now and my goal race. That's it. It's deceptively simple yet incredibly difficult to implement. Yes, I'll incorporate a nutrition plan and some strength, core and even cross-training into the overall plan but those will all come later as I sort through all of the books, running magazines, DVDs, internet articles and whatever else that I've collected over the years. I'll eventually pick up a formal training plan as well - most likely another round of Daniels training, but I'm open to suggestions there.

Well, I think I've rambled on enough for today so here are today's stats:

Distance: 2.0 miles
Time: 17:39
Pace: 8:50
Weight: 209 (must be that I've lost some water weight)

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