Sunday, January 13, 2008

Those Elusive Intervals

Arghh!! The intervals have eluded me again. I had every intention of going to the new-found track today but my wife's appointments with her clients ran really long this afternoon, so it was back to the treadmill.

I ended up doing fifteen miles on the treadmill while watching the Cowboys blow yet another playoff game. Running on the treadmill while watching sports is always interesting because, in addition to running, there's also usually a lot of cursing, fist pumping, jumping, running into the console, you get the idea....

So, yeah, those intervals. I'm going to run them tomorrow. I promise. The 12-15" of snow that we're expecting tonight means that they're probably going to have to be done on the treadmill. Ugh.


Kel said...

You get a hat tip for managing to stay on the treadmill for 15 miles (they drive me stone. cold. insane). Personally, I tend to exhibit fist pounding, cursing, etc while sitting on the sofa during football games. Wish I had a TM in front of a TV for those occasions.....

CoachT said...

Kel - Thanks. I've definitely become accustomed to running on the treadmill. In fact, I've done up to 22 miles before. THAT was a little long - even for me.