Monday, January 21, 2008

I Am The Lizard King. I Can Do Anything.

First, my apologies to Jim Morrison.

Ok, the weekend’s over and I’m back. Normally, I’d be posting on the weekends too, but my brother-in-law and his family visited us this weekend so I had absolutely no computer time at all. One interesting thing that we did was to bring the girls to a presentation on lizards at the local library. It was a hands-on experience so, in addition to learning about the various lizards, they were able to pet each of them as well. The biggest one we saw was this guy – a monitor lizard. That was pretty cool.

Ok, back to the running. With our visitors, I had to cram it in the best I could. Saturday was a spur of the moment eleven easy miles done right after hauling away all of the branches that had fallen on our property during last week’s ice storm. As you can imagine, I was a little tired at the outset. I was surprised, however, at how easy this run ended up being. About a mile or two into the run my legs really loosened up and I cruised the rest of the way.

Sunday was my long run - eighteen miles. Like Saturday’s run, it was done on the treadmill and, also like Saturday’s run, it was really quite easy if not a little boring. The one saving grace is that I was able to watch three complete episodes of Lost (and part of a fourth). So, yes, watching John Locke blow up the Flame station as well as a submarine, kill a one-eyed Russian and discover his father bound and gagged in a closet at the Others’ camp helped to pass the time. Thank you John Locke.

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