Monday, January 21, 2008

January 21st Run Report

Eight easy miles today.

The official weigh-in for the week has me at 171 pounds so I didn't lose any weight over the second half of the week last week. Oh well, two pounds for the week isn't too bad.

One thing that I find a little frustrating is the extra recovery time that I find that I need after longer runs (usually 14+ miles). In January 2005 I underwent a triple hernia repair. I had a laparoscopic procedure in which I had squares of plastic mesh inserted into each of those hernias to "keep everything inside" so to speak. Now, every time I run hard or run long I need at least an extra day or so to recover. My legs will feel fine, but my groin continues to feel sore for up to three days thereafter. It's merely a discomfort, but a frustrating one. It could always be much, much worse. At least I can continue to run.

Tomorrow is another easy run and I have more intervals on the schedule Wednesday. This week I'll also, once again, attempt to move to morning runs.


Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Morning runs are the best! Once you start doing them regularly, I bet you'll like them.

CoachT said...

I hope they get easier soon....