Saturday, February 7, 2009

What's The Old Cliche?

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step...

While I hope my journey is much longer than a thousand miles I did, indeed, I did get my first run in last night. It wasn't anything too special - just a couple of miles around my neighborhood. I few observations:

The Positive

1. That I ran at all.
2. I'm worried about the recurrence three specific injuries right now: my left hamstring, my right hip and plantar faciitis in both feet. Thankfully, none of those were present last night.

The Negative

1. My tights fit kinda funny right now...
2. I am in much worse shape than I thought (read: I'm pretty sore today). I may need to scale back my training at first.
3. While I am generally a cold weather runner, I have certainly lost my resilience to the elements at this point - I was absolutely freezing last night.
4. At my current weight, my knees and ankles are going to be giving me some problems.

Speaking of my weight - the highest that I've been recently was 202 pounds. Last night I was at 196. A small improvement, but at least I'm moving in the right direction.

I'm not sure what I'm going to run today. I was planning on doing 3-3.5 miles when I planned out my schedule, but I may end up around 1.5 miles instead.


Maria said...

It's an incredibly humbling process, coming back from injury and lack of running - I know. Keep it in manageable chunks and try not to let your progress or immediate lack thereof bother you. Run and let it go.

Here's to many more neighborhood runs!

solarpowered said...

Getting back is/will be tough, but you can do it! Keep at it, be smart with it, try to enjoy at least some aspect of it each time. :D