Sunday, February 8, 2009

Twice As Nice

Yes, I ran again yesterday. Instead of doing the longer or the shorter run I decided to compromise and do two miles again but reversing yesterday's course. I ran around 10pm under a full (almost) moon and that, combined with all the snow we have, made it seem like I was running in the middle of the afternoon. Pretty cool that I was able to see my shadow for most of the run.

Not surprisingly, it hurt as much as it did yesterday BUT my time was over a minute faster than yesterday. I'd attribute that to the improved temperatures (42 vs. 18 degrees) as well as my being more mentally prepared for this run.

Another thing that I've noticed is that my form just crazy right now - it feels like I'm all elbows and knees and nothing is in sync. Fortunately, that awkwardness should fade with time.

Last thing - for the entirety of the run I was in my own little corner of hell, because this kept running through my head - I have no idea why. Thankfully all of my runs are short these days. This happens to me way too often. I should probably just start wearing earphones...

Today it's supposed to be over 50 degrees here, so maybe I'll get an afternoon run in.

1 comment:

Maria said...

*snort* were you listening to an old mix tape prior to your run??