Monday, November 15, 2010

Day #8: Week One Complete

Well, I made it through my first week with any serious issues. Today was a long run (if you can call 3.4 miles a long run). Overall, I ran (over 8 days) 17.1 miles and lost 5.5 pounds. I'd consider both of those victories.

So far, no noticeable injuries have cropped up. I had some sort of phantom back injury on Friday night but it resolved itself by Saturday afternoon. In addition, every so often I have some slight hip pain and my ankles and arches are always somewhat tender post-run, but those are things that a good icing can cure.

Overall, I'd call the first week a success.

Distance: 3.4 miles (weekly total = 15.1 miles)
Time: 28:18
Pace: 8:20
Weight 206.5 (weekly loss = 5.5 pounds)

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