Which leads me to my goals...
Admittedly, these plans will be a little rough at first, but I'll fill them in with more detail as I go. Another thing that I'll mention up front is that I have no idea what my long term goals (i.e. 3-5 years out) will be. I think those will ultimately be derived based upon the success or failure of the more immediate goals.
Right now, the intermediate goal is a return to my former level of racing fitness - a 1:28 half and a 3:11 marathon. I'm giving myself one year to achieve this with my tentative goal race being the 2011 Harrisburg Marathon. Initially, I thought that Steamtown might be the right race, but I'd prefer to save that one for when I know that I have a fast time in me. I also like the fact that Harrisburg is a smaller race (no crowds) that's a bit later in the racing season (more time to train). So, yes, Harrisburg it is.
How will I get there? Again, I'm still fleshing it out a bit. I don't have a training plan, nor a strength/core training plan. Diet plan? Nope, not yet. I do know this, however.
The core of my plan is this - to run at least two miles every day between now and my goal race. That's it. It's deceptively simple yet incredibly difficult to implement. Yes, I'll incorporate a nutrition plan and some strength, core and even cross-training into the overall plan but those will all come later as I sort through all of the books, running magazines, DVDs, internet articles and whatever else that I've collected over the years. I'll eventually pick up a formal training plan as well - most likely another round of Daniels training, but I'm open to suggestions there.
Well, I think I've rambled on enough for today so here are today's stats:
Distance: 2.0 miles
Time: 17:39
Pace: 8:50
Weight: 209 (must be that I've lost some water weight)
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