Monday, February 11, 2008

The Workout That Kicked My Butt

Oy. Work, life, etc. have gotten in the way of my posting recently, but I’m back. Fortunately, I’ve been able to keep up with my running, although much of it has been on the treadmill.

So, yesterday’s workout was the following:

2 mile warm-up, 4 x 6 minutes at tempo pace (60 seconds easy running between sets), one hour of easy running, 20 minutes at tempo pace, 2 mile cool-down.

The last 20 at tempo was the most miserable that I’ve felt during a workout (well, in recent memory). I should go back to my running log and see how I did this workout in early ’07 because I don’t remember doing it. I’m thinking that I may have broken it up or skipped it altogether. Anyway, I’m feeling much better today, but I was feeling the effects of that run for most of the day yesterday.

What else is new?

- I’m likely going to skip the New Bedford Half in mid-March. This means that I’ll have no true assessment of my fitness prior to Boston. That’s a little scary to me right now.

- I recently joined the local YMCA. This means that I now have access to a pool. I’m going to try and fit some swimming into my schedule. However, I have no idea what I should be doing, so any suggestions are welcome.

- I’m probably NOT going to do a fall marathon. After Boston I’d like to focus on some shorter events as I’ve been ignoring them entirely since my return to running three years ago. If this means that I don’t get to run Boston ’09, that’s OK with me. My body could probably use the break from marathon training as well. Of course the thought of running a 5k all-out has me gagging right now…

More later.


Maria said...

When did you last swim? When I first returned to the pool I spent several sessions just getting comfortable with breathing and keeping my stroke relaxed but consistent. I'd spend the first couple swims doing 10 or so lengths of each crawl, breast and back stroke. HTH!

Anonymous said...

There is a 25 K in Norwalk on March 2:

Theia said...

If your pool has kickboards and pull buoys (which it should), you might want to alternate a few freestyle laps with a few kickboard laps, then freestyle, then pull buoy, etc.

Mindi said...

LOL. You sound like me before Boston last year (re not doing a fall marathon and focusing on the shorter stuff). Then came the noreaster from hell and I ended up doing 2 fall marathons! :) I hope your Boston luck is better than mine. And hopefully soon (althought it doesn't look like this weekend is good), the weather will improve and you'll get out more.

Lloyd said...

Yeah man, time to jump in a 5k and suck air!

Best to you for your training season.

Amy said...

You're going to swim? Awesome! We can do it together!!

Kel said...

Trevor, haven't heard from you in awhile, but good luck at Boston tomorrow (if you're still running it?)!